Hand Trolley
Usually consists of two small wheels located under the load-bearing platform, and the trolley usually has two handles on its supporting frame. These handles are used to push, pull, and manipulate equipment. Empty trolleys usually stand upright in an L shape, and products are usually stacked on top of the platform. When the cargo is in place, it tilts back to balance the load between the platform and the support frame. Especially when carrying heavy or fragile objects, the person operating the trolley should carefully put it back into an upright position to ensure that no objects fall from the platform.
There are different types of these tools, and the type to use is usually selected based on the type of material it will move. The trolley is made of various types of hard materials, including steel, aluminum, and high-strength plastics. Most trolleys have standard sizes for general loads, but some are specifically designed for very small or large products.
Wheeled trolleys made of stainless steel are the most commonly used type of trolleys. They are used in places where heavy objects need to be moved, such as retail stores and factories, and usually also have wheels made of stainless steel. Welded steel and metal wheeled trolleys are generally lighter in weight and are often used to carry lighter materials.
Those with a frame and wheels made of metal alloys are heavier and stronger. This type of trolley usually has a wider platform to carry large loads. Metal alloy trolleys are often used to transport heavy products, such as steel items.
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