Saturday, May 22, 2021

How to Know If the Garden Soil is Good?

As a Garden Tools Wholesale, share it with everyone.

The soil has a strong "tolerant" ability. Under normal fertilization conditions, soil deterioration is slower, unless extremely unreasonable fertilization is applied. But once the soil deteriorates, the consequences will be extremely serious and continuous. It is very difficult to correct. If you want to improve, the cost is huge. Proper fertilization and soil protection can ensure the normal progress of agricultural production. This is very important, and it is also the key to maintaining quality and increasing income!

New Style Digging Manure Fork Tools

New Style Digging Manure Fork Tools

Judge whether the soil is good or bad

1. Look at the color of the soil

Loam soil is darker in color, while lean soil is lighter in color.

The color of soil is closely related to the content of soil, moisture content, humus content, light-colored minerals (such as alumina, silicon dioxide, calcium carbonate, etc.), and dark minerals (such as iron oxide, biotite, manganese oxide, etc.) in the soil. Therefore, soil color is a reflection of soil material composition and its properties, and it is also an important basis for judging and studying soil forming environment, soil type and its fertility characteristics.

2. Look at soil cultivability

Loose soil layer is easy to cultivate; thin soil layer is sticky plow, and the cultivation is laborious.

The lower limit of plasticity of clay soil is less than 16%, the suitable range of water content is small, and the suitable period is short; the lower limit of plasticity of sandy soil is as high as about 23%, the range of suitable water content is large, and the suitable period is long; loam lies between the two.

3. Look at the depth of the soil

Loam soil is generally larger than 60 cm; while lean soil is relatively shallow.

The quality of the soil texture is related to the level of soil fertility and the amount of oxygen. Plants such as plum blossoms, phoenix trees, and nuclear plants like fertile and deep soil and should be planted on deep, fertile and loose soil. Such as Pinus tabulaeformis, Masson pine, etc., can be planted in locations with a slightly poorer soil quality. Of course, plants with weak tolerance will grow better on fertile soil.

Our company also has New Style Digging Manure Fork Tools on sale, welcome to contact us.

Friday, May 14, 2021

How to Operate Electric Corded Garden Chainsaw?

As a Garden Tools Wholesale, share it with everyone.

The electric chain saw is a hand-held power tool for high-speed belt-shaped rotary sawing. Due to the need for sawing wood, the saw chain cannot be equipped with a protective cover. Therefore, the operation of the electric chain saw should be carried out by qualified professionals to ensure Use safety barrels to improve production efficiency. Here's how to use the electric chain saw.

Electric Corded Garden Chainsaw

Electric Corded Garden Chainsaw


1. When the processed original strip is within 1.5m from the conveyor, operation is not allowed. Before turning on the power, the electric chain saw switch must be turned off to prevent accidental start. Start the electric chain saw idling for 1 min before making lumber, and check whether it is running normally.

2. When starting or operating, hands and feet should not be close to the rotating parts, especially the upper and lower parts of the chain. When the fuse is blown or the relay trips, it should be checked immediately, and the line is not allowed to work overloaded, and it is not allowed to connect to the high-capacity fuse.

3. The electric chain saw must be operated with both hands. Be sure to stand firm when working. Do not stand under the original strip or log and operate on the original strip or log that may roll.

4. When troubleshooting the clamp saw, special attention should be paid to the safety of auxiliary personnel. During the operation, the sawing mechanism should be lubricated and cooled at any time.

5. When the original strip is about to be sawed, pay attention to the movement of the wood, and quickly lift the electric chain saw after sawing. The electric chain saw switch must be turned off before the transfer operation, and no running is allowed during the transfer.

Our company also has Electric Corded Garden Chainsaw on sale, welcome to contact us.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Do you Know a Little Knowledge About Hedge Trimming?

As a Grass Shears Wholesale, I would like to share with you.

Hedgerow is the most common afforestation technique in landscaping, and it is also, a landscaping technique often used in European-style gardens, one of the three largest gardens in the world. Choosing appropriate tree species and pruning them into various shapes, so that they can be combined with each other, thereby enhancing the viewing effect and artistic value.

Telescopic Garden Hedge Shear

Telescopic Garden Hedge Shear

In addition, the green fence can also play a role in covering bad viewpoints, isolating and protecting, preventing dust and noise, and guiding visitors to watch the route. How to do the correct pruning and play the super role of the hedge? 

There are various shapes of hedgerows, but there are two main shapes: strips and patterns. Different shapes have corresponding trimming requirements.

The shape of the hedge

1. Strip shape

(1) After the hedgerow is planted, trim it in time according to the specified height and shape. In order to promote the growth of its branches and leaves, it is best to cut off the main tip by more than 1/3, and the cut is below the specified height of 5-10 cm, so as to ensure the thick The cut is not exposed.

(2) Finally use a hedge trimmer to trim the surface branches and leaves. Note that the surface of the hedge (top and sides) must be cut flat, the height of the hedge must be the same, neat and uniform, the hedge surface and the four walls must be flat, sharp, and timely trim. The lack of plants should be replanted in time to ensure that new branches and leaves have been taken out for viewing and full growth.

2. Arch style

Arch type refers to making woody plants into arches. Generally, vines are commonly used, and small trees with soft branches can be used. After the arch is formed, it should be trimmed frequently to keep the existing good shape and not affect the passage of pedestrians.

Arch-type hedges should pay attention to the size of their "doors", and the thickness should not be too large when pruning, so as to prevent the inner bore from being empty and bald.

3. Patterned canopy

By planting plants from different high capitals, pruning them into various patterns.

Before planting, set up a support or column, and leave a trunk after planting. On the trunk, a number of side branches that grow evenly at an equal distance are cultivated, and they are made into various patterns through pruning or auxiliary measures.

Our company has Telescopic Garden Hedge Shear on sale, welcome to contact us.